Jupiter Light Lodge
Since 1961, Jupiter Light Lodge has been home to some of Florida’s greatest men and Masons.
Jupiter Light Lodge No. 340 F&AM is a Free and Accepted Masonic Lodge located in Jupiter, FL, authorized to work under a Charter granted by The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Florida.
A Masonic Lodge is the home of Masonic activities in a community. In 1845, Florida was admitted as a state and in 1861 Florida joined its neighboring states and seceded in a short-lived break from the United States. Repatriated five years later, Florida spent the remainder of the century in poverty, trying to restore its depleted fortunes.
Freemasonry was created and expanded in peninsular Florida throughout the 19th Century, keeping pace with the growing population of the new state. Acquired from Spain by President James Monroe in 1820, the Grand Lodge of Florida was formed in 1830 during the presidency of Andrew Jackson. Its first Grand Master was War of 1812 General John P. Duval.
During the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt, Florida commenced a massive public works project to reclaim the Everglades and create a profitable agricultural system. Numerous towns sprang up along Lake Okeechobee and the contiguous Atlantic coast. In 1909 Palm Beach County was created.
Jupiter Light Lodge No. 340 was founded in 1961 and chartered April 19, 1962. The first elected Master was Donald McHale. Lodge has been home to some of Florida’s greatest men and Masons who have continued to uphold the proud tradition of Masonic activities in South Florida. With our building situated right in the heart of the North Palm Beach County’s township of Jupiter, the Jupiter Light Lodge enjoys a rich and diverse membership.
Business Meetings are on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Dinner is served at 6:30 pm and the meetings start at 7:30 pm.
If you are interested in visiting us or have a question about our Lodge or Freemasonry, contact us here.
To learn more about the history of Freemasonry in Florida, click here.