We Are Duty Bound to Give Back to Our Community
More Than Just Membership
Freemasons are involved in community service because we are obligated to help others in need. Much of our assistance is given anonymously, as we are not seeking fame or accolades. Gratitude comes from our service to others to improve their lives.
Throughout the year members of the Jupiter Light Lodge, their families, supporters, and other partners have dedicated their time and commitment to improving the lives of those in our community. Thanks to dedication and hard work the Brothers of our Lodge have built strong relationships that impact thousands of people in our area and beyond. We do this by volunteering, special events, educational campaigns, and more. Some of this includes our annual Holiday Bike giveaway, Thanksgiving turkey dinner handouts in collaboration with the Jupiter Police Department, Project Graduation, Hope Center for Autism Challenge, and more.
“Charity is the preeminent virtue, the possession of which in its fullest signification marks the perfect Mason. Charity in its highest and noblest sense includes all other virtues, and in its exercise all right thought and action are employed .” ~WB George H. Harvey, 1915
Roll over and click on the pictures to learn about our various community service initiatives.